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Parameter Reference

Disruption Parameter Descriptionsยค

Parameter Description Units Validity Range
Greenwald_fraction Greenwald density fraction = n_e/n_G, where n_e is the line-averaged density and n_G is Greenwald density limit - [0, 1.5]
Te_width Half width half max of electron temperature profile from Thomson scattering m [0.04, 0.5]
Wmhd Total magnetic energy stored in the plasma J [0, 2e5]
beta_p Plasma poloidal beta, ratio between plasma pressure and magnetic pressure - [0, 1.1]
beta_n Normalized beta, ratio between plasma kinetic energy and magnetic energy - [0, 2]
dipprog_dt Time derivative of the programmed plasma current A/s -
intentional_disruption Whether a disruption was unintentional (0), intentional (1), or non-disrupted (NaN) - [0,1,NaN]
ip Plasma current A -
ip_error Error on the plasma current (ip-ipprog) A -
kappa Plasma elongation - [0.8, 2]
li Plasma normalized internal inductance - [0.2, 4.5]
lower_gap Lower gap m [0.025, 0.3]
n_e Line-averaged electron density of the plasma core m^-3 -
n_equal_1_mode n=1 component of the perturbed magnetic field T -
n_over_ncrit Vertical stability parameter - [-0.5, 2]
p_icrf Ion cyclotron power W [0, 6e6]
p_lh Lower hybrid power W [0, 1e6]
p_oh Ohmic power W [0, 20e6]
p_rad Radiated power from the plasma W [0, 20e6]
q0 Safety factor at the core plasma - [0, 10]
q95 Safety factor at 95% of poloidal flux surface - [0, 20]
qstar Cylindrical safety factor - [0, 30]
radiated_fraction Total injected power from the beams divided by the radiated power from the plasma - [0,2-3]
shot Discharge identifier, replicated per each time slice - -
ssep Distance on midplane between 1st and 2nd separatrices m -
time Time during the discharge s -
time_until_disrupt Elapsing time before the disruption event. Target variable s NaN or numeric
upper_gap Upper gap m [0, 0.21]
v_loop Edge loop voltage; time derivative of a weighted average of flux loops obtained from MFLUXloop voltage V [-7, 26]
z_error Difference between the actual position of the current centroid and the requested one (Z_prog) m -
zcur Actual vertical position of the current centroid, z_error - Z_prog m -
Mirnov Fluctuation amplitude of one magnetic probe. Measurement of MHD activity and plasma instability T/s [0, 50]