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How can I use DisruptionPy if I don't have access to the GitHub Repository?¤

If you are unable to access the GitHub repository, you can manually install the package. Note that you may be installing an older version of DisruptionPy.

On CMod¤

You can do this by running:

pip install /path/to/disruption-py

Stuck on Poetry Install¤

Poetry might hang instead of asking to unlock the keyring, which is a known bug. As a temporary workaround while the bug is addressed, please set:

export PYTHON_KEYRING_BACKEND=keyring.backends.null.Keyring


How do I debug issues with DisruptionPy?¤

To better understand the issue that you are seeing in DisruptionPy you can enable more detailed logging by passing log_settings to the get_shots_data call. For more information on customizing logging, please see LogSettings.

import logging
from disruption_py.settings import LogSettings
from disruption_py.workflow import get_shots_data




Why does DisruptionPy log %MDSPLUS-E-ERROR for all shots after a certain shot number?¤

You may have a corrupted shot inside of your request. Please try to remove the shot id for which the error first occurs from your shotlist_request and run DisruptionPy again. If the problem persists, please create an issue on the GitHub.

Why does DisruptionPy continue to log Processing result for shot: ***shot id*** after having retrieved all data?¤

This is likely a result of your output_setting being slow. You should try to use a different output_setting or batch the output of your current request.