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Two public installations are currently maintained automatically:

  • on the C-MOD MFE Workstations, and
  • on the DIII-D Omega cluster.

A private installation is possible on any machine, either on a personal laptop, or on any experimental cluster.

Public installations¤

The MIT PSFC Disruption Studies Group hosts a disruption-py installation in a NFS folder. The following steps apply to both C-MOD workstations and the DIII-D cluster.

Snippets for quick addition to a user's .bashrc file are provided in the subsections below.


Several Python versions are installed as miniconda distributions:

  • Python 3.10
  • Python 3.11
  • Python 3.12

The Python version can be controlled through the DISPY_PYVERS environment variable. They may also be used directly from the "$DISPY_DIR"/miniconda folder.


We use Poetry for dependency management.

The helper scripts automatically activate the appropriate virtual environment, so direct Poetry usage is not needed. It may be used directly from the "$DISPY_DIR"/poetry folder.


Two branches are installed publicly and kept up to date:

  • main, for stable workflows;
  • dev, for fresh features.

The target branch can be controlled through the DISPY_BRANCH environment variable.

Virtual environments¤

For each branch, a few virtual environments with different Python versions are available for usage.

The helper scripts will choose a specific virtual environment based on the DISPY_BRANCH and DISPY_PYVERS environment variables. They may also be used directly from the "$DISPY_DIR"/venv folder.

Setup and activation¤

A setup script will set all the required environment variables to ensure functionality and reproducibility. It has to be sourced, rather than executed, through:

source "$DISPY_DIR"/repo/auto/

More often, a user may choose to directly activate the chosen virtual environment, through:

source "$DISPY_DIR"/repo/auto/

The helper scripts rely on the user adopting the Bash shell.


Even without setup or activation, execution can be invoked through disruption-python, which should work as a drop-in replacement for the usual python command. Since disruption-python is an executable, its shorthand execution is made possible by the presence of the "$DISPY_DIR"/repo/auto folder within the PATH environment variable, as suggested in the installation-specific snippets below.

For example, one may begin a disruption-py interactive session through:

disruption-python -ic "import disruption_py"

Or execute a disruption-py-based script through:


If a script is made executable, then it may be called seamlessly by specifying the full path to disruption-python as a shebang, and then simply executed:

user@host:~$ head -n1 # for C-MOD

user@host:~$ ./

All these helper scripts are subject to change -- we welcome any suggestion to make the process even smoother.


Suggested snippet to be appended to the user's ~/.bashrc file:

# disruption-py
export DISPY_DIR=/usr/local/mfe/disruptions/disruption-py
export DISPY_BRANCH=main # default. or dev  
export DISPY_PYVERS=3.10 # default. or 3.X
export PATH=$PATH:$DISPY_DIR/repo/auto


Suggested snippet to be appended to the user's ~/.bashrc file:

# disruption-py
export DISPY_DIR=/fusion/projects/disruption_warning/disruption-py
export DISPY_BRANCH=main # default. or dev  
export DISPY_PYVERS=3.10 # default. or 3.X
export PATH=$PATH:$DISPY_DIR/repo/auto

Private installation¤

As Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS), disruption-py can also be installed on any machine. We currently provide an installation guide for Ubuntu-based boxes, but generic Unix machines or Windows systems should support similar or equivalent steps.


Disruption-py currently needs non-python software to be installed as a pre-requisite:

  1. MDSplus: to connect to MDSplus data servers,
  2. SQL drivers: to connect to SQL database servers.

MDSplus can be installed using their installation guide.

On Ubuntu-based systems, SQL drivers might be installed for example through the Microsoft ODBC Driver msodbcsql18 package, or FreeTDS {tds,unix}odbc packages.


On C-MOD workstations, MDSplus is pre-installed system-wide but its configuration is only set up for the system python through a small path file (e.g.: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mdsplus.pth). For virtual environments, even those created off the system python, this small path file needs to be copied over in the site-packages folder (e.g.: venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/) as it is not inherited upon creation of the virtual environment.

Alternatively, one might adopt the more standard and more obvious solution of adding the equivalent path to the PYTHONPATH environment variable, which does get read by virtual environments and inherited by subshells.


Python is obviously a requirement for disruption-py -- please make sure you are running the desired Python version before creating a new installation, e.g.:

which python

Python requirements should be installed from the Poetry-native lockfile poetry.lock committed to the repository in the main folder. If necessary, backward-compatible pip-style requirements.txt files can be produced through the Poetry export command.

Virtual environments¤

We strongly encourage users to create a specific virtual environment for disruption-py usage. If using Poetry, one will be created automatically, e.g.:

poetry install --with dev